- Blues
- Folk
I was tuning to Open G for a busking engagement and the low E string broke - in essence I was forced to use the Keith Richards tuning. It worked great - that E string tuned in Open G used to get in the way. Later I went to string up that low E and had an inspiration to tune that 6th string to G. That double G (5th and 6th strings) is a powerful tool in Open G. Maybe not the wildest moment but pretty cool for me.
I was busking in Copenhagen in 1975 and a very tall German playing flutist and his very short girlfriend with a tambourine just joined right in, then an African dude with a snare and wooden box joined in. We did a rousing version of Can't You See, drew big crowd and made some kroners.
We had a gig in a general store near the ocean in SF Bay area. Somehow (my bad) guitar didn't get loaded in the Volvo. But my mandolin did and I ended up playing the gig just using the mandolin. Temporary embarrassment - the father of invention.
My first guitar was a no name nylon string guitar I bought in 1970 in Tijuana, hanging in an outdoor market. The guy wanted $7 but I got it for $5. Loved that guitar. My sister still has it back in MA. Everytime I go visit I think of bringing it back with me, but somehow it seems to belong there and it's special 'cause I only get to play it once a year or so.
My favorite daily guitar is my 1979 American made Strat. Heavy as hell, thick neck. Plays so smoothly, I once had a practice in Berkeley with my band and the drummer's girlfriend took my guitar after about 3 hours of practicing and was hugging it on the couch. I realized later the heat from the body was a comfort to her. She never hugged me. She looked like the young woman with the curly blonde hair on Ozark (Netflix.)

2 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
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