StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Heybudd | Half of the Rhinestonethong phenonemon
Heybudd Showcase 1
Heybudd Showcase 2
Heybudd Showcase 3
United States of America
United States of America
  • Alternative
  • Rhythm
StreetJelly Stats
Member since:
Last show:
Number of shows: 29
Total viewers: 578
Fan favorites: 15
More About Heybudd

Seriously?.....I just hit things.
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Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

Did a short tour of Montana under the name of Captain Tennille. Not the larger cities. Other than that, I have never lived on the street.

Embarrassing Moment

When I found out I was a terrible teacher after being self taught.

My Instrument

Spent my youth getting yelled at for all that tippy-tappy pounding noises I always made on counter tops and everything else cuz I got rhythms constantly playing in my head.

Rocker Pins

Standing Ovation Pin Standing Ovation Pin
35 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
Last Awarded:
Love Song Pin Love Song Pin
2 Awards
“You made my heart sing.”
Last Awarded:
Rock God Pin Rock God Pin
4 Awards
“I bow to your Godliness.”
Last Awarded:
2sDay Pin 2sDay Pin
4 Awards
“Two, Too, 2, TuesDay”
Last Awarded: