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gioguido | World class guitarist jazz and beyond
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More About gioguido

Gio Guido was born in Naples Italy, started playing guitar at the age of 8 and In 1991 he graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. In1992 he recorded in the album "Sketches of Life" by the Jazz Crusaders.
From June 1994 to November 1998, he toured with the Jazz Crusaders in Europe, USA, Japan and China. Also featured live with Patty Austin, Ronnie Laws, Bobby Lyle, Jon Lucien, Bobby Caldwell, Hugo Fattoruso, Yahiro Tomohiro, Mark Whitfield, John Beasley, Angela Bofil, Linley Marthe, Mario Canonge, David Williams, Lewis Nash, Willie Jones III, Vincent Herring, Doug Cameron and Les DeMerle.
In June 10/2000 Gio was awarded FIRST PRIZE for best soloist at the International Contest of Jazz Soloists.
Since 2010 Gio developed the world’s best fingerstyle jazz improvisation technique, inspired by Paco De Lucia, he studied his technique and was able of fusioning the Jazz-flamenco and bringing the fingerstyle jazz improvisation to a top notch technical level
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

That was when I was 12 years old, I was on holiday with my family in Cattolica, Italy and one evening I went on the street with my brother and sister, we had one guitar and started singing the Beatles, in particular those songs with 3 voices like Ask Me Why, Yes It Is, You're Gonna Loose That Girl etc...I was not expecting anything, just having fun and until I saw so many people around us enjoying what we were doing and those are the best moments I have also after many years as a professional musician when I just enjoy the moment, what I'm doing with no expectations.

Embarrassing Moment

That must have been in 1985 or 86 when I just bought the Roland GR-707 synth-guitar.
I had a gig in Milan with my brother and sister and we where playing a repertory of original songs and covers by Police and U2 and I remember that evening during one song something went wrong with my guitar-synth and just messed everything, it sounded like we were having aliens trying to abduct us on stage, well the music stopped
, people stopped dancing and I felt very embarrassed

My Instrument

I don't have a name for my guitar because I didn't make it and it's fine that it keeps the name of its maker.