StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Geoffe Hein and Frozen Ghost | Metal / Rock Instrumentals
Geoffe Hein and Frozen Ghost
geoffehein Showcase 1
geoffehein Showcase 2
geoffehein Showcase 3
United States of America
Cleveland, Ohio
United States of America
  • Metal
  • Instrumental
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 4
Total viewers: 108
Fan favorites: 11
More About Geoffe Hein and Frozen Ghost

Geoffe Hein & Frozen Ghost formed in 1999 in the Cleveland Ohio area. The band is a tight knit group of seasoned veteran musicians with the same musical vision. The sound is a unique fusion of metal, and rock with a blues / jazz flavor. Driven by the virtuoso lead guitar playing of Geoffe Hein the band is completed by Todd Ashley on rhythm guitar, Robert Holdway on bass, and Craig Anderson on drums.
The live show is an incredible experience. The bands musicianship, talent, and songwriting and song structuring skills are superb, and make for extremely entertaining performances which have been known to cause melted faces, altered moods, spontanious orgasms, and a heightened state of being. Attend at your own risk !
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Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I once played a set during a raging bar fight with bottles and bar stools flying about the place, we just kept on playing, luckily none of the band or our gear were injured during the set.

Embarrassing Moment

on several occasions I returned from a break between sets and tried starting the opening song of the next set without remembering to hit the standby switch on my amp, so it was four stick clicks and silence

My Instrument

I mostly play Jackson, or PRS guitars, I use Peavey amps exclusively