- Blues
- Jam Band
The best and worst crowd a bar I played ever had, was on the same night. We were at Billy Jack's in Kansas City Kansas. The bar was too small for the crowd, and there were bikes lining the street. cars couldn't park for blocks as we returned to a small dive bar for the 10th time. The cigarette smoke was burning my eyes. We played Skynyrd type classic rock . These guys were every bands dream. Even though you couldn't find standing room people still managed to dance. Someone started yelling Freebird. Steve Mcginnis is a great slide player so we obliged, It was amazing, great giant bearded clubber's got up and danced with tiny woman, everyone made room.
But then, Two very inibriated woman went to the bathroom and came out beating on one another. It was exactly the same as a "Wave" at a baseball game. Soon the whole place was flying punches, biting, kicking, clutching, violence, and frenzy.
The police cars drove away as we started our third set to 4 people at the bar and the wives
It I was at Half a Hill in KCMO playing a five set weekend gig with Cliff Drive. The Stage was two feet higher than the floor and well built, (I miss that Place) Steven and I were just figuring out the onstage guitar duel and I wanted to set him back a notch (Steve is a phenomenal guitar player who can make me eat my lunch on a guitar). So I threw my guitar behind my head and started ripping a little (it took him til the next gig to really trounce me, he was the first of us to teeth pick, and he can play a pretty mean lead that way) Anyway I got him, and I was proud so I hung out playing like that for a second then put the guitar behind my back.
Did I tell you my waste was head level?
I was Jamming, king of the guitar, when I felt the draft, the whole time my zipper was down, and as I recovered I noticed this woman staring right at it as I zipped. Naturally I looked to see if my sweet was looking, Yeah she was.
Be glad I didn't tell you about naked guy on the stage riggi
My favorite guitar of all time was the one that saved my sisters from getting hurt in a snow storm. Long story short; the care went off the road and the Avarez in the hard case softened their impact as they slammed into the door. The guitar was crushed to peaces, but they had minor bruises.
Was it my favorite guitar before the accident, well yes, unfortunately.
Glad they didn't get hurt though....

764 Awards
“Bravo, Bravo!”
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108 Awards
“You made my heart sing.”
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38 Awards
“Thanks for playing my song.”
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58 Awards
“I bow to your Godliness.”
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3 Awards
“You made this party not suck.”
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7 Awards
“I love and support your charity.”
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2 Awards
“Here kid, buy yourself something.”
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2 Awards
“You're going to the Big Time.”
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7 Awards
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18 Awards
Merry Christmas!
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11 Awards
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4 Awards
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8 Awards
“Your fans adore you.”
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1 Award
“Once in a lifetime.”
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2 Awards
“On my couch, saving the world.”
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3 Awards
“Jellypalooza '22 - 10yrs”
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