StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
WILLIEKARMA | The Indian Who's Rockin The World
  • Blues
  • Rock
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WILLIE KARMA is a punk rocker and a musician crushing the bars and busking since his tv broke on 1999. influenced by the music of his parents like Queen or James Brown and many others bands. from Classical, 20s, 30s and 50s Blues and 60s, 70s salsa to 80s Hardcore and metal stuffs.

WILLIE K. listen to bands and singers like Blind Boy Fuller, Robert Johnson, Carter's Family, Boswell Sisters, Hector Lavoe, Charley Patton, DRI, Reagan youth, Los Crudos and so many others.

WILLIE K can sing ,play the Guitar ,Drums, Electric bass ,Violin and other things like your patience.

He is a Venezuelan wild pig living his life in the mediterranean peninsula (Madrid).
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

Once in Freiburg Germany i wanna to play and all the buskers star fighting for the same spot in a really nice place you know ?really like phisically dude!! then i just star playing and nobody got any interest of me playing cuz of the musicians fight … cops look at me and say "dude!. we like your music but nothing like a fight for entertaiment."
Then im back in Spain………….

Embarrassing Moment

actually it wasent on the gig , it was just before i was having an interwiew and before that i drunk bit to much and well..... then they made i really nice video promo and i saw it!!! uuuuuf!!! dont wanna tell anything but my friends still laughing at me.....

My Instrument

yes of course!
my baby …..i just called it "my babe"
the best and the first guitar i could it buy in my life ….. tanglewood parlour … love it!!!
after i played in a bar in Barcelona i went home with two gals you know? ninoninonai!!!
everything was good till i woke up next day so happy about it, then i realized i left my Babe in the taxi …..buuuuh!