StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
UkuMika | Fluffy Cover Singer
UkuMika Showcase 1
UkuMika Showcase 2
  • Vocal
  • Instrumental
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 3
Total viewers: 17
Fan favorites: 2
More About UkuMika

Hi! I'm Mika, and I love playing the ukulele. I cover all things pop, and all songs of all emotions. I love, love,love rock bands. One OK Rock, Shishamo, With Confidence and My First Story are some of the bands I aspire to meet and be like. I'm not playing for a living, but rather as a hobby, as singing and playing on my ukulele keeps my stress levels low. However, I hope that doing music online on this platform can help me to gain enough attention from the big shots as possible, cause I really want to hold my own concert one day.
Tipping is optional, I just hope that you will enjoy my broadcasts!