StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
TheVikness | Another Girl With A Guitar
TheVikness Showcase 1
Seattle, WA
  • Folk
  • Rock
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 1
Total viewers: 22
Fan favorites: 1
More About TheVikness

I'm Viki Quesada. It would be Quesadilla, but then I'd be just too ill. I'm yet another girl with an acoustic guitar, but hopefully I'm able to give my all on this enough for you to see my music as being worth your money.
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I think the last time I played music on the street, and kinda the reason I'm hesitant to go back, is because someone kept requesting I play "Price Tag" every other song. Like he'd never heard it before. Then he spent about an hour trying to get me into his bed, I had to define the word lesbian about five times, and I eventually just packed up and went inside the nearest establishment until I could get a ride home. Seriously the worst.

So if you ever want advice on being a good person, don't be that guy.

My Instrument

The instrument I use most often is my Cort. It's pretty nice. Sounds good, literally the only guitar I have with okay suspension. It was broken for a while, but it's back in commission. ^_^ I also have a Dean 6-string banjo and an Epiphone mandolin. I have no idea about the brand behind my oud or sitar.