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RalphB | Blues, Rock and Pop from the very Deep South!
San Luis
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More About RalphB

My name is Ralph Bravo, I´m a M.D. from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I grew up listening to Sinatra, Crosby, Como and the big bands from my parents. Then my sisters introduced me to The Beatles and all the incredible bands that came after them. In the early 70s , when I was 13 yo, I spent some time in LA an got to see The Who live, during the times of Janis Joplin, and the fans of killer Charles Manson stayed outside Los Angeles Courts. All the music of this time blew my mind. During my medical training in the 90s I lived with my family in Memphis, Tn, I learnt lo love the Blues, and I had a son born in the city. Nowadays he is a fine guitar player, with a taste for blues and good old R&R. My older son is Argentine a future arquitect and a good drummer. We play together sometimes. Four years ago I started singing lessons and with my teacher and friend, Eduardo Coria, we play, and I hope the learning curve is fine. Videos are uploaded in youtube under my name. Hope you like them!