StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Peterbrooks | Spiritual Gifts
Peterbrooks Showcase 1
Peterbrooks Showcase 2
Peterbrooks Showcase 3
United States of America
Baltimore, MD
United States of America
  • Reggae
  • Oldies
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 32
Total viewers: 171
Fan favorites: 2
More About Peterbrooks

Peter Brooks story really begins with his great great grandfather who ran a pool hall in New York during the late 1800s.

His grandson, Cab Calloway and granddaughter Blanche would each become living legends in the music industry. Cab for being the first person of color to sell one million copies of a single record, and Blanche for introducing a casual, call and response style to public singing performance in 1920’s.

My brother Christopher runs the Cab Calloway orchestra today and has won several awards while I am an online busker. It actually works in my favor as I am not confined to my grandfathers music, even though his career lasted 70 years. I can do whatever music I like and I really enjoy Bob Marley because you get to be a singer and a prophet all at the same time.

My real interest in music is in the spiritual dimensions I also do Native American drumming and chants for the same reason.
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Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I never did street performance. I was never encouraged to sing or get into the entertainment industry as a child growing up.

Embarrassing Moment

My most embarrassing moment ever was walking in Dizzy Gillespie’s dressing room as a child without knocking while he was a little “busy” with a young lady. He was like an uncle to me.