StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
MitzyWard | Autoharp Fanatic and Strings Galore
MitzyWard Showcase 1
United States of America
Pheonix, AZ
United States of America
  • Folk
  • Bluegrass
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 2
Total viewers: 10
Fan favorites: 1
More About MitzyWard

Imagine, if you will, Liza Jane driving up a muddy road in a fast car near Rocky Top. She left Willy at the altar, surrounded by wildwood flowers. Some people say she's crazy and some people say she's just got troubles, but however you look at it, the answer is blowin' in the wind. Nancy Cowan is Mitzy Ward in the Mitzy Ward Experience, coming to a locale near you, maybe, someday! This is real folk music for real people who like bacon.
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Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

We played Feliz Navidad like a million times because people loved it so much...

Embarrassing Moment

I was conducting a kid-band and an autistic kid started jumping up on "Pop Goes The Weasel" it was cute and very well timed, and completely spontaneous. I just smiled at the audience.

My Instrument

I still have my first guitar. The tremolo broke (Floyd Rose) and I tried to replace it but they don't make that part anymore. Apparently, they all broke, so I replaced it with a strat tremolo. It almost fits, sort of. My autoharps are named Harpy and Flower Power. My ukulele doesn't have a name but people call it Luna because that is the brand name.