StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
R U MANIKALLY GROOVIN'? | 70'S And 80'S Revue Done The "Groove" Way!
United States of America
United States of America
  • E.D.M.
  • Jam Band
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Started playing keyboards in 1987,and became interested in MIDI programming in 1990...After playing with dozens of different bands and groups,I got bored of the never ending drama that would always somehow kill band progress with one or more members,decided 2 use nothing but MIDI and go solo using this technology.

2004--I start performing SOLO playing one or more instruments LIVE on my hardware synths along with playback of the MIDI files,many of which I do sequence from scratch.

My friends call me "Dr.Manikstein" as I have developed my own routine to edit and "splice" several midis together..bits and pieces of each into one great sounding MIDI track.

I use a dedicated drum machine,2 hardware synths,a dedicated sound module,and a harmonizer to recreate many songs from the 70's and 80's era.

Any questions, can reach me at

I perform and sing those classic songs JUST as you remember them,including those one hit wonders.
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

Never performed in the streets..I often find myself in company of other keyboardist friends who when gigging,would allow me to come up for a song or two on stage with the rest of the band indoors or at outdoor events/festivities.

Embarrassing Moment

I believe it was my fifth or sixth time on stage playing solo with the MIDI files..I was performing with the sequences,one of the songs I was playing and had previously programmed had a "stuck note on" at the end for one of the tracks

It was a string sound and at the end of the song,everything stopped correctly and ended except for that one single note string sound that went on and on...I was panicking and scrambling to shut it off,people staring at me from the audience..I was still way too new to MIDI programming.It was a brand new song I had just recently sequenced,first time playing it out LIVE,and I had not fully programmed in all the MIDI commands to shut off all notes at the end of the song.

Lesson Learned! From that point on I always double and triple checked,ran through all my sequences from start to finish so that I would not have any more stressing surprises like that.

My Instrument

My very first keyboard back in '87 Santa got me for Christmas was one of those very small mini 49 key Casio keyboards with all the auto accompaniment chord patterns and cheesy drum sounds...I dived into the owner manual,page after page and knew so much about that tiny keyboard,my little pride and joy,that I really could make that keyboard do so many things I don't even think Casio itself had in mind for it! I made a cassette tape recording of all those fancy Casio rhythms,sounds,and originals,and still have it to this day!

Truly excited and psyched about being on StreetJelly and I sincerely look forward to performing. Also having a great time hearing all the other great talent out there!!!

Check me out doing JUST vocals at this phone for "Manik Groove"

Catch my MIDI keyboard stuff at OR

Thanks Guys and Gals..and Take Care!!

Mike AKA Manik Groove