StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
Goliath63 | Friendly Crooner/Balladeer
Hong Kong
Park Island, Ma Wan
Hong Kong
  • Country
  • Gospel
StreetJelly Stats
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Number of shows: 2
Total viewers: 42
Fan favorites: 2
More About Goliath63

My name is David R. Henry, aka Goliath63 in the wonderful world of Second Life. I live in Hong Kong with my lovely wife and wonderful son. Here is where I write my own songs, play the acoustic guitar in a local band and at a regular restaurant gig and teach guitar to several local students and am enjoying every minute of it!!
I have sung most of my life, but got more serious in August 2013. I have had professional lessons and currently am studying with my celebrity vocal coach, Roger Burnley.
YouTube Goliath63 
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

The other night I was finishing up my set on our estate with When the Children Cry by White Lion when a Chinese boy came riding by on his bicycle right when I sang 'Little child, you must show the way..." How cool is that?

Embarrassing Moment

I did a show on the local beach once and had to set up all the gear by myself. As I began to lay things out, I noticed that I had forgotten my mic stand. :O Thankfully, I had some string in my fanny pack, so I tied the mic around my neck in old school fashion and went to town singing away. LOL It was a little embarrassing but I managed to make it work.

My Instrument

I taught myself how to play the acoustic guitar back in 1988 on my mom's old Martin Sigma ,which we picked up at a second hand shop in Exeter, England. I went to a local music shop and bought Russ Shipton's Complete Guitar Player and in just two months, I was playing songs by The Beatles, John Denver, Cat Stevens and even Rod Stewart. I still have that book floating around somewhere. I have even used it some of my local guitar lessons.