StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
ErikOnSax | Lifer
United States of America
Palm Bay, Florida
United States of America
  • Gospel
  • Jazz
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More About ErikOnSax

I've been at this for a "minute" longer than a few decades. I love sharing music, trading ideas, participating in something beautiful and knowing that I helped to positively effect my audience's mood for a few moments in time.

Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I was a Music Under New York performer for years in New York City, playing in subway stations, ferry terminals, and even in Times Square, upstairs on the streets, in pedestrian malls. My wildest moment there cannot be described here on a family website. However, it was an 👀 eye-opening, completely different view of the city that I will always cherish.

Embarrassing Moment

Once again, my most embarrassing moment does not fit the profile for a family-friendly website. I will say, that buskers must account for the logistical realities of performing, traveling, security, resting, relaxing, competing sounds, and the unexpected occurrences.

My Instrument

Over the years, I have sold more saxophones than I care to remember, them eventually buying another to resume the journey that is evidently unending. My current instrument 🎷 is my favorite however.