StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
DaJamMaster | Groovy Loops!
DaJamMaster Showcase 1
DaJamMaster Showcase 2
DaJamMaster Showcase 3
Ann Arbor, MI
  • Jam Band
  • Instrumental
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Number of shows: 13
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More About DaJamMaster

For this part of my life, I create fun loops on the fly with my cool little drum machine that lets me tap out a beat. Then I use my bass and my looper pedals along with a pile of effects to create a band-ish experience.

Funk, rock, jazz, EDM...whatever the mood may be!
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

One time I was jamming along and a bunch of cop cars pulled up and blocked the intersection I was playing at. They proceeded to make a drug bust and eventually pull a gun out of the bushes across the street that the guy had dumped out of his backpack. I had fun putting a soundtrack to the whole thing.

Embarrassing Moment

My most embarrassing moment was when I hauled all my equipment out to the street, got everything set up and went to plug it all into my power station...which I had forgotten. It was a beautiful evening with lots of peeps in the street and I had to pack up and go home without playing a note.

My Instrument

My first bass was a piece of crap, but then I got a 1971 Gibson EB0. It was a great bass, but when a dude offered to trade it straight up for a Fender Jazz, I couldn't pass it up. Little did I know that Fender had a bad neck. I never got that thing straightened out and ended up selling it. I really miss that Gibson. It would be worth a lot more than the Jazz bass now.