StreetJelly is Online Busking and eConcerts
DKreepa | 1word UNSTOPPABLE
2a chirchill avenue KINGSTON 10
  • Reggae
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More About DKreepa

I'm Tordell Henry popular known as D'kreepa ,born on 24th September 1991 at Annotto Bay Hospital st.mary.
I start do music professional 2014 when I record my first single "MONEY MI A GOH FAH" on purple touch riddim,in that same year I started to perform at community stage shows and karaoke to develop my talent.
My goal as a musician I want to reach my full potential in my music career I would love to make a different with my music by changing life and how they look at the world,most of my music speak about positivity and motivate ones to push forward and become a better person in life.
YouTube DKreepa  Facebook DKreepa  Amazon DKreepa 
Fun Stuff about the Artist

Life on the Street

I love to perform my songs for my fans and others ,in a place call Chisholm avenue where my songs played daily,they always have a year to year stage show called Chisholm jamboree ,most of the time when its my time to perform for the people in that community there comes the police officers turning off the music but what I did I go home feel sad but I take it as a motivation and said to myself next time my fans will hear what I have in store for them.

Embarrassing Moment

When ever I prepare for a event and dont get to share my music to my fans.